How to Shop Fondren
When the Fly Girl and the Girl About Town get together, we shop. Or at least we talk about shopping. So, we decided to start a series of "How to …
Parade Recovery Tips
Many folks consider the Mal's St. Paddy's Parade the best day of the year in Jackson, and we all want to make the most of it. However, after all the …
Top 5 Best Books For New Moms
So many questions, so many worries. What to do when the baby is sick? Or when the baby chews on something? Fortunately, here are some solutions to help getting back …
Enjoying the Parade with Wee Ones
If you're planning to spend an afternoon at the Mal's St. Paddy's parade with small children, you probably want to do some planning. Here are some suggestions of the things …
State ‘Backward' on Transparency?
A new state law could take Mississippi from the middle of the pack among states, in its government transparency and accountability to near the bottom.
Parade Pet Survival Guide
When the body senses a stressor, it acts to protect itself. Stored fuels (sugars and fats) release a burst of energy, breathing rate increases sending more oxygen to the blood, …
All Hail the Queens
When I first moved back to Mississippi, I had no idea what a Sweet Potato Queen was. Then I attended the Mal's St. Paddy's Parade and received a front-row education …
Making More Meaningful Memories
Many families have set-in-stone holiday traditions that they celebrate every year.

Taming the Television
Study after study shows that the amount of direct and indirect screen time is increasingly problematic for our children's development.

Try This at Home
While it's nice to get a facial or a blow-out sometimes, taking care of your skin or hair or nails doesn't always have to be a big deal.